Sophomores provide service

On Tuesday, April 28, sophomores participated in Service Learning for OHS. Some students went to Rogers and Blades Elementary.

At the schools, students split into groups of two to four and separated into classrooms, gymnasiums, or the cafeteria to hang out with kids and help teachers.

Jake Minor, one sophomore at OHS, loved helping at Blades. Not only did he get to help, but he also saw his cousin.

“It was refreshing, and cool because my cousin goes to this school,” Minor said.

Magalie Thauvette spent the day sorting books into categories for a teacher at Rogers.

“Overall, it feels good,” Thauvette said of the experience.

Another group of boys, Matthew Thorsten, Josh Whiteley, and Cole Eiler hung out in the gym throughout the day.

“We chased little kids and played badminton all day,” Thorsten said.

The boys unanimously agreed that it was a fun day, and that it felt great to help.

“I like the kids, they’re a lot of fun to play with,” Whiteley said after playing with the kids.