Within the past two years, more than 13 classes have been offered at OHS but did not have enough students enroll to qualify for an official curriculum. These classes can be seen as “hidden” classes. Students are still able to put classes such as Advanced Web Design and AP French on their schedule, but because the class did not take place for the last few years, many students do not know they even exist.
Student select what classes they would like to be enrolled in for the following school year of 2016-2017 in late January.
“We take the process one step at a time,” Mr. Stephen King, OHS career counselor, said.
After the students submit their schedule requests and get them signed by teachers, Mr. King, OHS principal Ms. Jan Kellermann, and a small board of department chairs get together to discuss the possibility of opening up new class opportunities or shutting more of them down.
“Staffing is the last step,” Mr. King said.
Soon after the classes are made official, the next year’s staff is determined. Whether teachers are hired or let go, changes do occur every year.
Some classes are no longer offered at OHS for reasons beyond a lack of interest. Classes such as sewing (all levels) are not being taught because of staffing and financial issues.
Typically it takes only 10-12 students to make up a class, and all students are offered the same classes, which can be found in the class selection book distributed when every student’s counselor visits their social studies class.
List of some of the classes offered at OHS but not currently being taught:
College Prep Lit
English IV Advanced Comp. Linguistics
Mechanical Drawing (1 and 2)
Introduction to Programming Robotics
Culinary Arts (1 and 2)
Sewing (all levels)
Advanced Web Design
Advanced Placement French
Advanced Placement German
Spanish IV