Donna Ward
Actor Daniel Radcliffe held a press conference at the National Journalism Convention in Minneapolis, MN on Nov. 19. The press conference was held live, via satellite. Students were able to ask Radcliffe questions about his first post-Potter film, “The Woman in Black.”
The film, which hits theaters Feb. 3, 2012, revolves around a young lawyer who travels to a town perceived to be haunted. While staying in the house, he encounters the supernatural, specifically a woman in black, who he believes to be his late wife. The film is clearly much darker than the “Harry Potter” films, which Radcliffe saw as a bit of a challenge.
“A lot of [my] time [was] spent frightened as Harry,” Radcliffe said. “I thought I would end up looking similar. It’s something you are very concerned about.”
After wrapping up production on such an iconic franchise, Radcliffe was left with freedom to choose from a plethora of projects, but a pressure existed to see what “The Potter Kid’s” next project would be. Luckily, the decision to do “The Woman in Black” was an easy one for Radcliffe.
“I can afford to choose what is interesting to me and what makes me happy. I have learned to trust my instincts, and I believe I have good taste,” Radcliffe said. “My immediate reaction [upon seeing the script for “The Woman in Black] was that it’s not just a horror film. It could be more than that.”
Radcliffe credits how he felt about the character and possessing the same vision as the director factors in singing onto this film, but it was ultimately a gut decision. The film is a step in a new direction for Radcliffe, but he has no regrets about his career change-up.
“I want to mix it up for as long as I possibly can,” Radliffe said. “If something frightens you, takes you out of your comfort zone, that’s where you’re going to learn something.”