"Everybody's Talking About Jamie" was released on Prime Video Sept. 10.
With a small release in select theaters and a wide release on Prime Video, “Everybody’s Talking about Jamie” is sure to be a hit with fans of musical theater, coming of age stories and the artform of drag.
The film—starring Max Harwood, Lauren Patel, Sarah Lancashire and Richard E. Grant—was released Sept. 10 and is an adaptation of the 2017 musical hit of the same name. It tells the story of a modern-day gay teenager from Sheffield, England who dreams of becoming a drag queen.
Truthfully, I didn’t have any expectations going into this movie as I stumbled across it mindlessly scrolling through Prime one day after school. Though, within a few minutes, I realized that this was a movie that I would enjoy watching and would resonate with me.
With its messages of strength, community and being yourself—as well as its diverse cast of characters—I found myself being really moved by this film and being able to identify with many of its characters—like Pritti who was able to stand up to bullies and find her voice, and Jamie who followed his dreams and did what he felt was right despite bullying and adults in his life trying to prevent him.
Additionally, I really appreciated the fact that this film not only helped to spotlight modern LGBTQ+ culture and drag performance, but it also pays homage to the HIV and AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the LGBTQ+ liberation movement and LGBTQ+ icons like Freddie Mercury in the song “This Was Me.”
I also was pleasantly surprised that the main character had a loving support network in his mom and his friends—something that is rare in LGBTQ+ media.
Overall, this movie was a fun musical that was able to make me smile, cry and root for its characters. I would definitely recommend “Everybody’s Talking about Jamie.”