Wyatt Cary
A live capture from real gameplay.
On Nov. 3, Epic Games decided to let the world replay OG Fortnite Battle Royale. Fortnite is currently ongoing multiple updates during November, letting players relive or newly experience what was available in 2018. After Epic hyping up the update for months, players are excited to jump back into the game.
Fortnite is a battle royale game where cartoon characters battle amongst each other, fighting to be the last player standing. Battle royale games have been around for a while but Fortnite was the game that got people who have never played a battle royale playing. The game peaked in 2018 and was being played all around the world constantly. Since then, it has become more and more competitive over the years, so competitive that people have even competed for $3 million at the Fortnite World Cup.
Epic decided to start the relaunch experience by rewinding all the way back to Chapter 1 Season 5, which originally came out on July 12, 2018. Many new and returning players have been playing for the last few weeks. With the complex building aspect of the game, Epic has made sure to keep multiple game modes for the different levels of experience of players. All game modes work by starting the game with 100 players and ending with either 1 player left or 1 squad left.
Fortnite currently has three game modes: build mode, zero build and ranked. Ranked mode is for the players who would like to compete and have the most amount of challenge possible. Build mode and zero build are for the more casual players. The OG update features the Chapter 1 map and all of the old weapons from seasons 5-10. The update also brought most of the old vehicles and most of the old locations. With the update, Fortnite has had a massive surge in players and immense amounts of positive feedback. In my opinion, Epic has done an amazing job at mixing old elements of Fortnite with new modern elements like tactical sprinting and mantling. These new elements of Fortnite make it fun to play because of the increased speed and pace of matches.
On the cosmetics part of the game, OG outfits, pickaxes, back slings and wraps have been re-releasing. Outfits that haven’t been released in the item shop in years are coming back out and it’s getting people involved and spending money. With updates coming out once a week, it keeps players involved and continuing to play Fortnite.
Overall, Epic Games has done an incredible job at letting players relive 2018 through Fortnite. If you are interested in playing, you better start now, as this opportunity to play sadly ends Dec. 2.