Wyatt Cary
A player in an original lobby with matching classic skins and dance, ready to join an OG game.
On Dec. 6, Epic Games gave us quite the treat. They are letting us relive the past with an OG Fortnite Gamemode. Last year they let us play Season Five through Season X. This time around, the game is set in Season One, which was its first release and has not seen since September of 2017, over seven years ago.
Though Fortnite brought back Season One, it didn’t come without its changes. Movement and core fundamentals in the game have many tweaks and revisions since the initial release of the game. Additionally, every month of the next year will be a different season, continuing all the way through Season X, where our last OG experience ended.
I (Sabatino) played my first game of Fortnite on Dec. 7 at 2 p.m. At this time, many people come home and all they want to do is game. It took me 15 minutes just to be get into the loading screen and when I got in, I couldn’t even play a full game before getting kicked out of the game. The servers were constantly crashing, but I still able to play eventually. Seeing the old healables and guns on the ground, it felt nostalgic. Currently in December, we are in “no season chapter one.” Tilted Towers is not yet built, and it is just mountains and greenery, a form of emptiness.
Along with Tilted not being in the game yet, double pump is back. Double pump was nerfed in Season Three, limiting the range the shotgun had. However, in Season Five, shotguns have a delay when switching back and forth and was effectively removed. Now that its back, players are taking advantage of this strategy.
I (Wyatt) played my first game on Dec. 6 after school. First impressions were good. It was my first time seeing the OG lobby screen and it felt very nostalgic wearing my Classic skins. I played around 10 games back to back, and I loved it. This second release, in my opinion, felt more accrue than the last version Epic Games brought back last November. The game graphics, sounds and weapons felt just how they did seven years ago. The player base as a whole is more skilled than before, and it was a challenge trying to keep up and eliminate other players. This aspect brought back the nervousness that I used to get all those years ago. Overall, I enjoyed the old and new parts mixed together.
Although this is Fortnite, there are some things they kept in the game from the newer seasons. For example, the movement. Players can climb walls, slide and tactical sprint. This decision has led to some people deciding not to play the game as players thought old movement of just running and jumping would be back.
Even though OG Fortnite is back, some of the players are still the same. The players make it hard to enjoy the game since their skill level is so much higher as they never stopped playing, while some like myself and Wyatt did stop. For this reason, some people can’t compete at this same level and can’t have fun playing the game.