As high school students, it is always hard for us to come by money. With summer coming around the corner and the days of freedom finally here, wanting to have adventure and fun, how are our wallets supposed to satisfy our needs? To help, The Prowl decided to research all the fun and free things our home STL is doing this summer.
The Muny has always been a fun place for a date night or a night out with the friends. Some people do not know, however, that you do not have to break the bank to see a show. For every show, every night, there are free seats in the very back. They are not terrible and it is still possible to get The Muny experience from these seats. Shows for the summer include Monty Python’s Spamalot, Shrek The Musical, Nunsene Muny Style, South Pacific, Les Miserables, Mary Poppins, and West Side Story. Visit muny.org for details.
Also downtown, the Art Museum in Forest Park has an outdoor movie series if you want to spend a night outside in the grass snuggled on a blanket. This goes on in the month of July. They will be showing Casablanca on July 5, West Side Story on July 12, Princess Bride on July 19, and Roman Holiday on July 26. While downtown, make sure to check out “Food Truck Friday” that happens once a month. You do have to pay for the food, but it is a cool and fairly new event to attend and experience.
Aside from the movies and theatre, St. Louis is also known for other free attractions like the St. Louis Zoo, the City Museum, the City garden, and the Magic House. All of these places are fun to visit throughout the summer and will not leave a hole in your pocket.
Summer is a time to have fun with your friends. So, Oakville, be safe out there! Take these things into consideration for your months of freedom. Have a great summer, we will see you next year.