The Service Learning projects allow time for students to get out of their comfort zone and give back to the community. For some students, it’s not just about getting out of class, it’s about give back to our veterans.
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery offered the opportunity to give back while enjoying being outdoors.
“It’s good for the community and all the veterans that died here,” Antonio Berjic said. “We are doing it for them.”
Students were able to help maintain the grounds of the cemetery and it’s surrounding memorials. By carrying and placing new mulch around the grounds, students also got a bit of exercise in as well.
“I knew mulching would be labor intensive,” Austin Fortuny said. “and I would never pass up a chance for exercise. And we are helping vets and their families.”
“It’s fun, but it’s more rewarding than fun,” Mr. Chris Tice said. “I have family here as well. I have a family and friends buried here.”
Tice also mentioned that his friend who is buried on the grounds is the same man that he named his son after.
“It’s good to give back to the community,” Tice said.