On Feb. 2, the hockey cheer girls hosted a fundraiser at Culver’s to raise money on behalf of the team and to start a college scholarship. Coach Michelle Kawelaske thought it would be a successful way to bring in more money.
Half of the money went towards starting a cheerleader scholarship in memory of former cheer coach, Ms. Suzie Kawelaske, who lost her battle to Ovarian Cancer in June of 2015. Approximately 10 percent of the money that Culver’s made that night as a whole was donated to the team’s fundraiser to help them out.
“Me and coach Michelle decided that half of the income would be donated towards the team and the other half would be towards the scholarship,” Ms. Kris Nienhaus, assistant coach, said.
The girls, as well as their coach, posted reminders on social media to spread the word and get as many people as possible to come out and support the cause. Once the crowds were lured in, the girls were in charge of serving food to customers and cleaning up the dining area.
“I thought it was a lot of work at first but as the day went on it started to get fun,” Taylor Clark (10) said. “We got a lot of people to come support us and I’m proud of our hard work.”
About 43 people showed up with their families and friends to support the cause. The team made $330 and received $84 in the tip jar. The money will be used for team fundings and expenses for competition and future needs. Because enough money was raised to start a scholarship, it will be used next year for future team members.