Tiger Paw Yearbook
OHS student Caitlin Blanchard (12)
Out of 50,000 applicants to Purdue University only a handful get a chance to receive the Steven C. Beering Scholarship. After writing eight essays and giving an interview, Caitlin Blanchard was awarded this scholarship.
“The odds were less than 1 percent,” said Blanchard. “It was a lot of editing and reworking on just those eight, not to mention outside scholarships in case I didn’t get this one.”
From 100 of the 8,000 honors applicants, Blanchard was one of 14 to be called back for the interview portion, which increased her chances for the scholarship.
The Beering scholarship estimates at around $500,000, which covers tuition for every degree including a doctorate, room and board, meal plans, and the chance to study abroad.
Blanchard plans to pursue a career in pharmacy, but is unsure of which program.
“I’ll be studying in the College of Pharmacy although I haven’t quite decided between the pharmaceutical science portion or the Pharm-D six year program,” said Blanchard. “As for study abroad, I’ll be either studying in London or Dublin.”
Receiving the scholarship was a very big shock to Blanchard and her family.
“I was absolutely thrilled and it still hasn’t quite sunk in how amazing this award is,” said Blanchard. “When I found out, I first told my family, then my friends about it.”