During the recent blood drives, the Oakville community donated over 150 units of blood.
On Friday, Oct. 12, Student Council hosted the blood drive for students and staff. The drive took place throughout the day in Gym B. The main goal for the drive was to fill all of the time slots. Student Council accomplished the goal and raised over 137 units.
“I know they got more this year than they got in the spring last year,” Becky Czuppon, the activity director, said.
Then, on Monday, Oct. 15, the leadership class had their own blood drive for anyone in the community. The blood drive took place after school in Gym B. Overall, the class raised 58 units, surpassing their goal of 37.
“I thought that we would have a good turnout but not as good as we did. Plus, we got more than our goal,” said Francine Eichhorn (12), student in the Leadership class.
Leadership and Student Council are planning to host two more blood drives in the spring. Leadership’s next drive will be on March 7. StuCo’s is going to be on March 19th.