On Sunday, April 14, OHS students hosted the second annual Special Olympics Powerlifting Event. This was the state qualifier for the Special Olympics athletes.
“This year the event went very smoothly. It definitely one-upped last years, and it can only get better from here,” Mikey Bellinger (12), SOMO volunteer said.
At this event thirty athletes participated in the powerlifting competition. This has greatly increased compared to the thirteen that participated last year. OHS student volunteers have worked very hard on the SOMO event. They have been working since January to get everything ready and running smooth. They even got a lot of support from local businesses. In comparison to last year, this event really hit it off.
“The athletes were very excited with all of the things that we got to do this year. At one point we got to dim the lights and let the athletes walk across stage and get the crowd pumped up. They loved it,” Bellinger said.
From here on, the qualified athletes will go on to compete at state in Columbia, MO.