Starting in the fall of the 2022-2023 school year, OHS will welcome a new face in the administrative department. Dana Skrabacz will be one of the two new assistant principals replacing Jason Buatte, who will become head principal of Oakville Middle, and Brian Brennan, who earlier this year was hired as new head principal at OHS.
“Because I haven’t been an administrator before, learning that transition from teacher leader to administrator and learning that new role will be the biggest challenge,” Skrabacz said. “But I think my experience in the classroom for 13 years is a great background to bring into an administrative role where I will be leading teachers.”
Skrabacz is currently a social studies teacher and department chair at Hancock Place High School and has taught there for 10 years. Three years prior, she worked in Cape Girardeau teaching high school social studies at the alternative education center.
“The last five years of teaching, I have really taken on more leadership roles in my building and the experience that I have gotten has helped me realize [that] I am ready to extend my reach beyond just my classroom and my department,” Skrabacz said. “My ‘why’ into going into teaching in the first place was to help as many students be successful in the ways that they find value. That is all still there…but I am ready to take those learning experiences and bring them here to Oakville and add my flare where I can.”
Skrabacz values empowering those around her greatly. After coming across the job opportunity and discovering the values of OHS, Skrabacz knew that this was exactly the place she wanted to be.
“I love the way that Oakville reaches students in unique ways and helps students be successful in ways that they want to be successful and helps them find their unique value,” Skrabacz said. “I am excited to lead in an environment where we make that happen.”
As Skrabacz prepares to take over her new position, she has some advice for the students preparing for her arrival.
“I am a thousand percent committed to your success. I am here for you and here to watch you shine and help you find ways to do that, that means something to you,” Skarbacz said. “I can’t wait to get to know everyone and build relationships so that I can be the absolute best administrator for you that I can be.”