OHS AP World History teacher, Mrs. Amy Merriott, has been chosen to grade AP World exams.
“I’m excited to do it,” Merriott said. “It’s a huge opportunity for academic growth.”
In order to be chosen as an AP grader, Merriott had to fill out an online application explaining why she wanted to grade exams and explain how she is qualified.
“In order to qualify, you have had to have taught the class for at least two years,” Merriott said. “I’ve been teaching the class for four years, and I finally have the time.”
The exam graders gather at Salt Lake City, Utah and grade about 1000 essays throughout a week. Graders are paid about $16,000 dollars for the week.
School administrators want to see AP teachers grading AP exams because it will help develop their writing abilities and better prepare the students for college level writing.