Senior year can be described by relatives and friends constantly asking you the same question, “Are you excited for college? Are you ready to leave?” I always respond with a “Yeah, I’m excited, I love Mizzou.” or something along those lines. But the reality is, I’m excited for college. I’m ready to graduate high school. I’m ready to leave, but I’m not ready to say goodbye.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to dance and piano lessons, my bed, my parents, and my friends. My life has been the same for as long as I can remember. But in a few months, my life as I know it will all change for the first time in my life. I could not be more scared yet excited for what my future holds.
I treasure my friends and I always like to know what’s going on in their lives. That’s going to hard when some of my closest friends will be states away. (Fun fact: I can tell you how far Mizzou is from Michigan, Alabama, and Iowa.) I know I will never lose my friends due to distance, but there is no doubt that I won’t miss them everyday.
I like to tell myself change is good, and change is the only way I will be able to grow. But I first must learn to let go- to let go of my comfort zone and step into reality. It’s time I go off to college and get the education I need to follow my Journalism dreams, and to go through the life experiences that go along with it.
I’m going to miss performing, whether it’s for piano or dance. Music has been one of my outlets for expression since I was little. I think that’s why I enjoy writing so much, it lets me express myself like how I would express myself on stage. Journalism is the world’s biggest stage and allows me to reach a bigger audience then I would at a dance or piano recital.
Even though it’ll be hard to go through change, I know that with the support of all my friends and family, I will have the strength I need to take on the next stage of my life. After all, it isn’t goodbye, it’s just a see you later.
Mom and Dad- Thanks for supporting me in everything I do, you’re the best parents a girl can ask for. I can’t wait for our Mizzou tailgates in the future! I love you both so much.
My brother, Kollin- Thanks for inspiring me to work hard and teaching me that late night studying pays off in the end.
Tom Hoffmeister- Thanks for sticking with me since sophomore year, you’ve made my high school experience full of laughs and fun memories. Our Chickfila dates are always the best.
Jessica Klimpel- I can’t wait to see all you accomplish in Michigan, you’re going to kill it on the skating team! I cannot be more proud to call you my best friend since elementary school. I expect lots of phone calls from you!
Ashley Jakubeck- How do I begin? From Rogers to now, you have never stopped caring and supporting me. Every time we hang out I feel like we’re back in elementary school and I forget that we’re growing up. Thanks for always being there for me, I’m going to miss you so much next year.
Sierra Hunter- Thanks for leaving me with the paper this year, I hope I made you proud. I’ve looked up to you a lot these past two years, and keep killing it in design school!
Katie Counts- Thanks for being my constant support system from miles away. You’re the best at motivational texts and you always inspire me to take on deadlines with a smile.
Jaime Meier- Thanks for coming back to visit and help me. I hope I miss Room 234 as much as you next year.
Kuchno- Thanks for inspiring me to continue to study Journalism at Mizzou and for always pushing me to make my writing better. I look forward to seeing you at tailgates and for our Shakespeare’s pizza dates in the fall. MIZ!
To all my friends- Thanks for all of the memories that I’ll take with me as I go to Mizzou (even though some of you are coming with me #ZOUCREW).
To all my family- Thanks for always supporting my love for journalism and always looking forward to seeing the paper when it comes out, this one’s for of you. I love you all.
Lexi Onder- It’s been a joy to watch you grow as a writer this year. I love your smile in the morning.
Rachel Delgado- It’s crazy to think that we just became friends freshman year, these past four years we’ve stuck together through thick and thin. You’re going to do big things in Auburn next year, but don’t forget to come back to visit. Thanks for being my Room 234 side kick and for always being there for me. I’m going to miss you and your sass.
Maddy McClure- I’m so glad that you joined newspaper! I’ve loved getting to know you more this year.
Tad Bast- You’re the king of drama! I’ll miss talking gossip with you!
Christina Meier- I’m so proud of how much you’ve blossomed this year. I know you’re going to do big things next year and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish! I’m leaving the class in good hands!
Kyle Genthon- It’s been a pleasure to meet you this year and see you develop a passion for writing. I’ll miss you and your long, detailed stories!
Nicole Neher- Thanks for being there to help me with editing and all things newspaper. Have fun in Ohio!
Louis Luong- I’ll miss your humor and your amazing editing skills.
Corey Chase- I’m excited to take on Mizzou with you! Thanks you being a great friend and “Kuchno’s favorite wing man.”
Caden Turner- You’re the most talented guy I know! Keep following your dreams, remember me when you make it big!
Taylor Zapf- I’m going to miss you’re sweet and energetic personality! You truly care about everyone and it shows!
Max Rodenbeck- Thanks for taking on all three journalism classes with me this year! It’s been nice to get to know you more and I’ll miss your easy going personalty.
Preston Ocello- I’m going to miss you and your Bread Co. treats. Thanks for even knowing that my favorite type of bread is sourdough. I’ll be visiting you next year!