The annual Madrigal theater was held on Dec. 8 and 9. The production was made up of two parts: a short Renaissance play and a brief holiday concert. This year, the play was entitled “The Saga of Modrick the Foul and the Great Chicken Coup.”
The play began with a king and queen accompanied by a jester, played by Devin Clark (12), in their court. Soon, the townspeople joined them for a few songs. An animal trainer, Elisabeth Keller(12), and her son, Alex Sato (11), joined the jester as he told cheesy jokes. The duo asked for a story to be told, so Clark began to tell the story of Modrick the Foul. Although the story was told by the jester, Ben Sopovic (11) stole the show as Modrick the Foul, a Russian villan who takes over the kingdom.
After the play wrapped up, the singers reassembled for their holiday concert portion. Although the choir is extremely talented, this part ran a little long as they performed several traditional holiday carols.
Overall, the production provided a good time for the audience. The show was rather short, topping out at just under an hour. The show was full of laughs, talent and good holiday cheer. If you missed the show this year, I recommend you make your best effort to make a show next year!