Whoey is Shuey
Mrs. Jana Shuey, a new face around OHS, has been involved with DECA for 6 years. 5 years were spent teaching in Nebraska and her 6th year spent here. While in Nebraska Shuey was extremely involved with DECA. Assisting the marketing club to state Shuey proofread all major projects from her students and was a co sponsor for DECA.
“I thought how rewarding it was for the kids and a great way to give back to the community”, said Shuey which is exactly why Shuey took the role of being Deca’s sponsor.
Although Shuey is new to the school she has quite a bit of experience with marketing so when OHS was in need of a sponsor for DECA, a marketing club, she gladly took the spot.
According to Shuey being apart of DECA is very “rewarding” and a great way to “give back” and that’s why Shuey decided to keep marketing club apart of her life here in St. Louis.

Class of 2014
Bio: So i'm Adam, I play hockey and baseball. I will be attending college and continuing my baseball career at Carl Sandburg. I’m a...