FBLA students go to state
A select few of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) students have made their way to the statewide FBLA competition.
This is a competition surrounding the ideas of business and many different business classes. There are different categories that students are allowed to participate in. They have a personal finance category along with an insurance category and many more. Within each competition, competitors are required to take a test over their category and are ranked by their grade on each test or graded on their ability to follow directions when formatting a word document.
Oakville is sending four students to the competition: Blake Dillow (11), Megan Menzel (12), Lauren Busch (12), and Cat Akley (12). Two get to the state level, and each of the students had to place well in districts.
To prepare for this competition, FBLA students study on their own and play different online games that involve business. They meet once a month after school, but do not study at these meetings. Even though the students are own their own with studying, Kori Vagner, FBLA sponsor, believes that these students will go far.
“They all worked really hard and have a drive to do well,” said Vagner.
OHS wishes these students the best of luck for the state competition that will be held on April 13 and 14.