New changes to FCCLA
Many new changes are happening in FCCLA (Family, Careers and Community Leaders of America) this year, including the teachers who run the club. Mrs. Jamie Daughaday and Mrs. Lacy Koch are the sponsors of the club.
This is the first year FCCLA is involved in regional activities, which allows involved members to compete in STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) events. Daughaday said that many members hope to participate in these competitions in January. In addition, FCCLA attended a field trip to Sullivan High School for the Regional Leadership Meeting on Nov. 2. At the high school they listened to two motivational speakers, Jessie Funk and Joe Fingerhut.
Sophia Scozzari (11) said that she enjoyed listening to the speakers because they were diverse and they involved the students in their speeches making them more interesting.
In addition to their new activities, FCCLA will still be doing events from previous years. They are getting ready to start Presents for Paws. FCCLA will be collecting items for four local animal shelters. Daughaday hopes for this collection to be huge.
Next semester the club will be teaming up with SADD to do a program about driving safety.
“I’m looking forward to this year because I like helping and being involved in the community and being a leader,” said Scozzari.

My name is Emily Schneringer. I am a senior and this is my first year on Newspaper. I have been a dancer since I was two years old and I dance at Denoyer....