Giving More than Just Effort to Save Lives
On Friday Oct. 11, Student Council held its annual fall blood drive at OHS. The blood drive was held in Gym B from 8:00 to 1:00 by Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. Students had to be 16 years old with parent permission or 17 and older in order to donate. Also, all donors must have their vitals checked and answer some questions to make sure their blood is safe for donation.
“We go to about 25 or 30 high schools each year and OHS is in the top 5% in donors,” said Terry Deters of the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. “OHS also has one of the highest show rates which is great.”
After donating, students receive a free t-shirt and food and drinks to make sure they are not light headed or dizzy when they head back to class.
About 140 students showed up to donate. This is the 10th year doing a blood drive and from the looks of the turnout there will be many more to come. There is a blood drive sponsored by leadership being held Monday Oct 14 from 47 p.m.

Class of 2014
Bio: Hi. I’m Lucas. I am a Senior. I love to eat. my favorite foods include shrimp and chocolate. I like watching baseball and football....