Marching Tigers go to the ZOU

Seniors pose for a picture with their 1st place trophy.
Last Saturday October 19 OHS’s Marching Tigers participated in a competition at Mizzou. They were in the 5A Black division and took 1st of the division, 2nd in Drumline Caption, 2nd in Auxiliary Caption and proceeded onto finals where they got 3rd place.
Since this was the last competition of the season band members were especially happy with their performance.
Clarinet section leader Erin Elking (11) said, “It was very exciting and a great way to finish the marching season.”
For OHS’s Marching Tigers the season ended on a strong note for them considering the disappointing beginning of the season.
Flute soloist Donald Rabin (11) stated, “I’m very proud of how far the band has gotten since the start of the season and it was a very emotional experience because it was the last competition with the seniors.”
Although it was a successful competition, many band members particularly seniors were very emotional to see marching band season come to a close.
“I’m going to miss marching band a lot,” said Drum Major, Brendan Sheehan (12). “After four years they kinda become your family. It was a great experience.”

Class of 2014
Bio: I love eating ice cream even though I'm lactose intolerant. I consider myself a likable person. I can't wait for college, but I'll...