Toy Drive without Seim
Every year around Christmas time Oakville has a Toy Drive. These toys are donated to the less fortunate families who cannot afford presents for their children. This event is usually organized by Social Studies department, but unfortunately Social Studies teacher Rick Seim retired last year.
Now has the semester is at its midway point the question arises ‘who will run the Toy Drive this year?’ Fortunately Social Studies teacher Mrs. Caton has taken the lead on this collection this holiday season.
The toy drive will be held alongside the Student Council’s Canned Food Drive. It will begin around Thanksgiving and end in the second week of December. The toys donated to the toy drive need to meet certain requirements. The toys must be new and unwrapped so they know what type of toys they are. They accept toys for all ages of children and they will be donated to the charity Kids in Need, the charity the department has used for 15 years.

Class of 2014
Bio: I love eating ice cream even though I'm lactose intolerant. I consider myself a likable person. I can't wait for college, but I'll...