A final change to the schedule
This year the only things that will be the same when it comes to finals are the same grinding tests.
Both Oakville and Mehlville have decided to space out the week for finals so that students have more time to study without stressing as much. Mehlville used this finals schedule last year, and Oakville is joining them this year.
“I believe that for kids to only have to worry about two exams a day is better,” principal Mrs. Jan Kellerman said. “Three on one day for a lot of kids is a lot.”
The new finals schedule will be spaced out over four days. The first day, Tuesday, December 17, is an A day. Students will take their 4th block final on that day. See the chart below for a list of which finals will fall together on the schedule.
Another new feature of this schedule is brunch. Instead of ANP and lunch being separated, the two have now combined for finals week. On both of the early release days, an ANP and brunch mixture has been incorporated into the schedule.
“There’s going to be breakfast and lunch foods together,” Kellerman said.
Depending on what floor your ANP is on, you will go to a breakfast/brunch either before, during, or after ANP. See the schedule below for the times of this unique concept.
Overall, the new finals schedule gives students extra time to study for finals, which typically count for a major part of semester grades. By stretching the finals over four days instead of squishing them into two or three, students are given an opportunity to better prepare for their tests.
Date |
Finals |
Tuesday, December 17 (A day) |
4th block |
Wednesday, December 18 (B day) |
5th and 8th block |
Thursday, December 19 (early release) |
1st and 2nd block |
Friday, December 20 (early release) |
3rd and 7th block |
Breakfast/Brunch schedule for early release days (Dec. 19 and 20)
Lunch |
Times |
1st lunch
Breakfast/brunch: 8:55-9:23 ANP study time: 9:28-10:29 |
2nd lunch
ANP study time: 8:55-9:23 Breakfast/brunch: 9:28-9:56 ANP study time: 10:01-10:29 |
3rd lunch
ANP study time: 8:55-10:01 Breakfast/brunch: 10:01-10:29 |

Hey! I’m Hannah Hoffmeister, and I’m the editor-in-chief this year. I've been on the newspaper staff since sophomore year, and this year I am also...