New and improved

Like our new look? Thank our staffers who went to Boston!

Between Thursday, Nov. 14 and Sunday, Nov. 17, several members of the The Prowl newspaper staff, the Tiger Paw yearbook staff and the Eyes on the Tiger broadcast staff attended the National Journalism Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. Their flight left at 6am and stopped in Charlotte, North Carolina. They left again at 9:40am and finally arrived in chilly Boston at 11:50am. Chaperoned by advisor Mr. Jeff Kuchno and Mrs. Sue Foster, Ally Schellhase (12), Evan Lachnit (12), Maddie Foster (12), Dalvin Parker (12), Sydney Howlett (11), and Hannah Hoffmesiter (10) took tours, ate out, and visited Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox (of course, they still sported their Cardinal gear).

To them, the experience was once in a lifetime.

“Boston was an unreal experience,” said Schelhase. “The speakers we heard had so much to offer and made us all really excited to make improvements to our paper.”

In additions to these speakers, they learned about social media, putting humor and variety into stories, and, of course, online content and design. And, as a result of talking with Student Newspapers Online (SNO) production staff, they decided to get our online site updated! A few days and $600.00 later, the deed was done.

“We decided that in order to better the class that we should get an update, and we’re really excited to see what we can do with this site,” said Lachnit.

“We’re hoping that we can grow our audience and make myOHSonline the number one source for OHS news.”

Check out photos of the trip at: