TREND brings awareness in April
This month at OHS is April Awareness Month. This event is sponsored by TREND to inform students about anxiety, self-image, depression, and the danger of drugs and alcohol.
The first week of April (1st-4th) covered anxiety disorder, the second week of April (7th-11th) is covering self image, the third week of April (14th-18th) will be covering depression, and the last week of April (21st-25th) will be covering drug abuse.
April Awareness Month will show students that no matter how much they go through, they are never alone. It also informs students on how to deal these difficult issues.
For anxiety week, students were able to write down all of their fears, phobias, and struggles onto a piece of paper and roll it up to put it inside of a balloon. This will show how many inner fears and struggles that students go through on a daily basis. TREND hung the balloons all over the school and at the end of April they will be released on the football field.

Class of 2014
Bio: Hey guys, I’m Marisa. I write stories for myohsonline. When I’m not writing, I work at my stupid job (Jimmy Johns) or I’m...