Sports team up to raise money
This year, soccer and baseball are teaming up to help raise money for a good cause.
On May 5, all levels of soccer and varsity baseball will be playing Lindbergh on the home fields. The teams will be collecting money at all of these games along with selling t-shirts. All donations will go towards Down Syndrome research and Pallister-Killian Syndrome (PKS) foundations.
This fundraiser, started by baseball coach Rich Sturm, hits home for two OHS teachers. Woods teacher Mr. Matt Strout and Science teacher Mrs. Jackie Neeley both have children with these diseases. Strout’s eight month old son, Joseph, was diagnosed with down syndrome, and Neely’s son, Austin, was diagnosed with PKS four months ago when he was five months old.
Both teachers are overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the school.
“I am very touched to know just how much the school cares,” said Neeley.