Seniors reconsider college choices after Mizzou protests
Although the protesting at Mizzou has simmered down, its consequences are still affecting many individuals, including OHS students. Numerous seniors at OHS are reconsidering their future attendance at the University of Missouri due to the what they believe the protesting reveals about the institution.
One of these students is Ryan Merritt (12), who is debating between Arkansas State and Mizzou. Merritt believes that the manner in which the protests were handled was wrong and that the university will lose students if it continues. According to Merritt, the actions taken to resolve the protests reveal that “the athletes have more power than the administration”. While Merritt is still considering Mizzou, the protesting has caused him to focus more on Arkansas State.
Some students, on the other hand, still disapprove of the protesting, but have a different reaction. Rachel Kendrick (12) believes that the protesting is not solving the issues but rather causing harm to others, such as the students and faculty. Kendrick compares Mizzou’s protesting issues to other colleges by stating, “bad things happen at many other schools and I love the campus too much to not go there!” With family ties to the school and the lovely campus in mind, Kendrick comments, “Mizzou is an amazing school and while it is upsetting that everything is happening the way it is, the school is still incredible”.
Now, other seniors considering Mizzou as their future university should weigh the positive and negative attributes of the campus to make the best decision for themselves.

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Hall, and I am a junior at Oakville Sr. High School. I love to have fun and try new things. This is my first year on the Prowl,...