Oakville showcases talented students
High school Oakville’s Got Talent winner Sean Petric (9) acknowledges the audience during his juggling act.
Does Oakville Got Talent? After last week’s annual show, there is no doubt.
Oakville High School hosted its fifth annual Oakville’s Got Talent show on Friday, Jan.19 at Nottelmann Auditorium. This year there was a bigger turnout than the previous years. Forty contestants tried out and only 20 made the show.
“I would say it was our most successful year yet,” said OHS assistant vocal director Mrs. Chelsea Ayres. “The talent was all excellent, the backstage and behind-the-scenes helpers were superb, and it all just flowed very smoothly.”
The high school winner was Sean Petric (9), with a juggling act. This was Petric’s third year in a row winning best act with his juggling performance. But this year was his first year winning as a high school student.
“When I won I felt so happy and excited,” Petric said. “My favorite part of OGT is getting to do what you love.”
The high school runner up was Jack Liu (12), playing a piece on the piano, and People’s Choice winners were senior choir members Emma Reinagel, Abbi Baker, Madi Sheppard, and Audrey Chopin singing a Disney group act.
The middle school winner was Gavin Sandvoss from Bernard Middle School, and the runner up was Andrew Blanchette from Oakville Middle School. People’s Choice winner was Katie Pritchett from BMS.
“This is so different from a band or choir concert; it requires individual creativity, improvisation, preparation, and solo skills. We get to see a totally different side of our students than what we usually get to see,” Ayres said.
“This year really exemplified the vision of the event: it brought the school together both onstage and in the audience and was really just an enjoyable evening featuring the many talented students of the Oakville side of our district.”
The event raised approximately $2300 for the OHS choir program, which is more than previous years.

Hello, my name is Maddy McClure! I am a senior at Oakville High School and this is my first year doing journalism and being a part of the newspaper staff....