Key Club finds volunteering hours at St. Vincent de Paul
Key Club volunteered at St. Vincent de Paul to give back to the community.
Due to the pandemic, community service events have been difficult to put together for Key Club. Fortunately, St. Vincent de Paul allowed 10 members to volunteer on Jan. 6.
The idea to volunteer at SVDP came from one of the members, Eva Beidel (11). After being informed by a member of her church that SVDP was low on volunteers and the donations were starting to pile up, Beidel thought it was a good idea to suggest a volunteering opportunity to the members of Key Club.
“During our meetings the execs are always telling us that they are having trouble finding places willing to accept new volunteers due to the pandemic,” said Beidel. “St. Vincent de Paul desperately needed volunteers and Key Club needed volunteer opportunities, so it was a perfect match!”
The students that participated in the event helped the workers of SVDP by sorting donations for those of lesser fortune. The members that participated found that the staff of SVDP was struggling to keep up with the donations leaving most of the shelves, racks, and displays empty. After finishing volunteering, the Key Club members left the shelves with hardly any more room for merchandise.
“I was excited to help people in our community at SVDP. It made me feel that I was making a difference,” said Anna Brand (10). “I have donated and shopped there before so I know how important it is to our community.”
“I liked volunteering at SVPD because the staff was very nice to everyone and helped us when we didn’t know how to do something,” said Kiara Elza (10). “I liked creating new friendships with the other volunteers there too!”
Iris Mohesky (11), vice president of Key Club, said that they haven’t gotten the chance to plan for another event there, but she hopes they will get the chance soon. “I think it was a great opportunity for our members.”
Other than in-person events, the club has two meetings a month virtually.
“Key Club has obviously been slow, but we do our best to do whatever we can to help,” said one of the members, Darren Yang (11).
In order for every member to get volunteering hours, the club has allowed the students to create online lessons that talk about the importance of being a member of the community and how they would do so more effectively. According to Dr. James Kreyling, sponsor of the club, some of the students’ topics have been voter participation and food insecurity in America.
“We hope to have more in-person hours opportunities in the future, including making dog toys for an animal shelter,” said Mohesky.

Hey! I'm Olivia Wolff and I am a senior at OHS. I did Yearbook last year and just started Journalism this year. I played tennis at Oakville all four years...