Sharing Student Voices
Cultural Education and Diversity Club showcases diverse cultures of students, faculty around OHS
Oakville is a community made up of many different cultural and ethnic groups. Many of which members of the community might not know about. But this school year, OHS assistant principal Michael Wegener decided to sponsor a club highlighting the amount of diversity that our school and community has.
“It is important for our school population to learn about other student backgrounds and cultures while in school. Cultural Education and Diversity Club is about spreading cultural awareness throughout our school,” Wegener said.
The Cultural Education and Diversity Club meets once a month and provides a safe space for students and faculty members to share their cultures, as well as learn about other cultures. On top of that, the club’s purpose is also to come up with ideas on how to educate the student body and spotlight the diverse groups throughout OHS. For example, one idea the group came up with was hosting a diversity day with different booths representing ethnic groups and their customs.
According to the club’s members, all are welcome to attend meetings and participate in the club’s activities, no matter your background. Many of the students and faculty members involved shared their love for what the club provides and really enjoy participating in the club’s activities. EJ Mooty (12) believes that the club is important to our school and the community of Oakville.
“I feel like we need more representation of people who come from different backgrounds here because it is really blocked out sometimes,” Mooty said. “My purpose, as a member, is to educate ignorant people. Language, communication and representation are such important things to me and to the club. It is such a beautiful thing. Definitely join the club. I promise that you will love it.”
Cultural Education and Diversity Club members are actively looking to expand and hope to encourage new members to join the club.
“This club is the best opportunity for individuals to get involved, learn about other people’s culture and learn more about yourself. It is really all about working together, respecting each other, learning, having fun without being ignorant,” Sham Qattan (11) said. “It is so interesting to see how different we are from one another but how we all come together at the end of the day.”
If you are interested in joining the Cultural Education and Diversity club, the next meeting will be held in the library on Dec. 6 at 2:30 p.m.

What's up! My name is Katie Schroeder, and I am a senior this year at OHS. This is my first year on the newspaper staff and my third year on the broadcast...