The 2012-2013 school year has brought many changes to OHS. However, a big change that students have noticed is the new policy that sets guidelines on lunches and foods brought to school.
This policy’s guidelines are due to the Healthy Hunger Act of 2012. In Missouri most districts follow the Missouri Eat Smart Guidelines. “The Guidelines focus on total fat, sugar and calories per serving,” Mrs. Koester, of food services, said. OHS now follows an advanced version.
The policy also states that teachers are not supposed to bring in unhealthy food for the students. Foreign language classes are excluded from the policy, for educational purposes. This however, not fair for ANP classes who throw parties for the end of semesters or teachers who bring in treats to celebrate academic success. The reasons for these other teachers to bring in food is just as educational as those foreign language teacher’s reasons.
The reason that foreign language classes are excluded from this policy is because food teaches about culture. Food shows you how other cultures celebrate holidays, such as Christmas in Germany and Cinco de Mayo in Spain. It also teaches students how it is important to some countries to sit down and have meals with family.
Aside from the educational viewpoint, students at OHS are old enough to make healthy choices for themselves. If food is brought in that is not so healthy they can have a healthier alternative that is provided in the common’s vending machines. They can also have a healthy item prepared before the party to bring in, that way other students can also enjoy a healthier snack.
We appreciate that we have guidelines that give us healthy lunches, however students are to the point in their lives now where no one is going to be there to hold their hands and tell them what to eat. It is up to our school to provide healthier meals, but it is up to the students to make the choice to eat healthy.