Powderpuff Traditions: What is too far?

Example of the twitter pictures uploaded by the Junior and Senior OHS students
Every year the Seniors and Juniors have a powderpuff game. Each year there is a tradition associated with the game which are pranks that are forms of vandalism, such as; teepeeing a house, graffiti, or minor forms of property damage.
There are some individuals that have taken this tradition to an extreme. It usually pertains to teepeeing houses, but it has drastically changed. Students are putting dirty diapers and pads on people’s houses.
Some kids have written inappropriate phrases on driveways making it more personal. To many seniors this year it may be revenge for what happened to their houses last year.
Personally, I am still mad about my house being teepeed because I had to go on my roof to clean everything up. I know that a lot of students had to do the same thing at their own homes and it is a difficult task to do.
Where should the students draw the line between a fun prank and illegal vandalism? I
mean today Kellerman talked about controlling the powderpuff pranks because some grade teepeed the house of an elderly Oakville resident. Everything is fun and games until complaints start to come in then we might as well kiss this tradition goodbye.
Today because of the complaints of these activities Kellerman took away the pep assembly as a punishment for the upperclassmen involved in the powderpuff vandalism. Personally, I think that it was a fair punishment for the students because the only other option would be to cancel the dance, but it would also involve the underclassmen.
In addition these activities were done outside of school hours and off of school property, so technically they should have brought this problem up to the police if they were so enraged by the students actions.

Class of 2014
Bio: I love eating ice cream even though I'm lactose intolerant. I consider myself a likable person. I can't wait for college, but I'll...