Say Hello to Montebello

I never thought I’d be so pleased with a restaurant that is basically a whole in the wall! Walking in, one would think that they were walking into a dungeon. On the side of Weber Rd., is one of the best pizzerias I’ve ever been to!
Montebello’s is a small pizzeria that no one really knows about, and has existed since 1950. After the first initial shock of where this little restaurant is placed, I fell in love. The pizza and other food from Montebello’s is all homemade and fresh.
Before I was introduced to this pizza place, Imo’s was the greatest thing in the world to me, that was soon changed. The pizzas are cooked in their own kitchen- from scratch! And they are by far the best pizzas I’ve come across yet.
Now, the placement of Montebello’s was extremely odd to me at first, it was almost scary. It did not look sanitary whatsoever and this made me nervous. But, after I learned some of the history, I almost grew fond of the appearance.
Montebello’s has been in the same exact place since 1950, and it’s pretty obvious. The fact that this restaurant does not need flashy TV’s, fancy tables, and a door that doesn’t creak to make a successful restaurant is refreshing. All that’s needed for this place is a homey atmosphere and some great food.
The food is only one of the great aspects about this restaurant, the owners are amazing too! The two elderly owners of this place are some of the nicest people I have ever come across in a restaurant, and their food is absolutely cooked with lots of love.
The only imperfect aspect about this pizzeria was that it took some time. Even when not busy, the pizzas take a while to be cooked, but the only reason I could see for this is because they are back there making them perfect!
If you like good pizza, and want something new, I would absolutely recommend this restaurant to anyone!

Class of 2014
Bio: What’s up Oakville?! My name’s Lauren Gianino and I am a senior. I am also a reporter for our very own newspaper, The Prowl....