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Please start your comment with your first and last name and grade (if applicable) followed by everything you would like to say. (Remember to be school appropriate and try to keep comments below 100 words)
Nicole Thomas (11)
“I am so upset they won’t let us stay in 212. Mr. Kolwyck would want us to be in 212 and we’re not.”
Emily Goeke (11)
“I miss his dark humor and it will never be the same, but I’m glad we’re all still together.”
Mrs. Fruhwirth, English Teacher
Mr. Kolwyck and I spoke just about everyday for the last 9 years. We were hallway neighbors – I in #216 and he in #212 – and we were both coffee drinkers. I would often tease him about his one and only, yellow, “smiley face” coffee mug. He would respond with a quip about my “ridiculous need for 5 different coffee mugs – just like a women!” – he would say. Our conversations were usually brief until last year, when I was diagnosed with cancer. Many teachers sent emails, cards, spoke with me in passing, or set up cots in their office! But it was Ken Kolwyck that changed our morning coffee banter to meaningful, caring, daily inquiries about “how are you doing?” He always asked – everyday. When I felt like hell from the Chemo the day before; when we joked about how he would soon have more hair than me. And even on the really bad days. He was one of the few in the building to see me cry. Those conversations were, on some days, my saving grace. To many of us at OHS, he was more than a colleague, more than a great science teacher, the voice of the logician after a faculty meeting, or the guy with the funny repartee — he was a friend that will be sorely missed. Last year he was a really good friend to me.