NHS hosts annual Trick-or-Treat Tuesday
This week, NHS hosted the third annual Trick-or-Treat Tuesday.
The event was an opportunity for children from the Mehlville School District’s elementary schools to dress up in their halloween costumes. OHS clubs and organizations handed out candy and ran games for the kids to play. The games available for kids to play included Cakewalk and Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
“This event is really about giving back to the community and the families in it,” NHS sponsor Mr. John Ries said.
According to NHS officer Blake Dillow, the event was a big success. Last year attendance skyrocketed to nearly 300 participants, and that high attendance was maintained this year.
“It went very well,” Dillow said. “There were a ton of kids there… I think everybody had fun.”

Hello! I’m Jacob Kauffmann, and I’m a reporter for The Prowl this year. I’m a part of the marching band and the robotics club here at Oakville, and...