Drama hosts second virtual play of unusual school year
Drama club hosts their second live virtual play entitled Oakville Night Live on May 7 at 7.
Unlike their last play, “Bad Auditions on Camera,” Oakville Night Live is composed of five comedic pieces, some original, some prewritten.
Each of the five teams came up with their act title, set pieces, costume, props, light, and audio.
“Mrs. (Jamie) Daughaday helped with our costumes, and the crew helped with set pieces,” said cast member Cassandra Ludwig (12). “We just had to tell them what we needed and they helped us to the best of their abilities.”
Skits include “American Gladiator Housewives,” “Return to Andy Hardy,” “The MiraPen,” “1st World Hosts,“ and “Je-party.”
Tickets can be purchased at oakvillehs.booktix.com.
Hey all! I’m Avery Neal and I am a senior here at OHS. I’m the social media coordinator for Newspaper, Broadcast, and Yearbook and I’m an editor...