OHS celebrates winter spirit week
OHS students and faculty got creative this spirit week to show their support for winter sports and activities.
Monday was Pajama Day, and students happily dressed in their comfiest pajamas. Next, students threw bed sheets over their clothes for Greek/Toga Day on Tuesday. Wednesday, known as Super Fan Day, challenged students to dress in the jerseys and colors of their favorite sports team. Spirit week continued with Thursday as Hip Hop Day, on which students wore hip-hop inspired outfits, and concluded with America Day on Friday. Students dressed in red, white, and blue to show support for the theme of the night’s basketball game.
In addition to the themes of the day, the leadership classes planned fun activities for the students to participate in at lunch, such as a blindfolded pillow-tossing game on Pajama Day, a rap and dance battle on Hip-Hop Day, and a National Anthem sing-off on America Day.
Even the teachers were proud of the enthusiasm displayed. Ms. Amy Learn, the leadership teacher, stated that the week was “an opportunity to celebrate the awesome things that are going on here at OHS.”
With all the students and faculty showing off their tiger stripes, it is safe to say that OHS roared with pride over the success of this spirit week.

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Hall, and I am a junior at Oakville Sr. High School. I love to have fun and try new things. This is my first year on the Prowl,...