Presents for Paws “12 Days of Christmas”
Two OHS groups are teaming up to host “Presents for Paws”, starting on Dec 1.
FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) and GSA (Gay-Straight-Alliance) are sponsoring Presents for Paws, a collection drive that will benefit four local animal welfare groups which include: Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Gateway Pet Guardians, Animal House Cat Rescue, and Bi-State Pet Food Pantry.
“This is the biggest collection drive of the year for these groups and they really depend on the items given at this time!” Mrs. Jamie Daughaday, sponsor of FCCLA, said.
This event is a community wide event. Many people may see trees and wreaths in the community as those places are also trying to receive items for these organizations.
The items that can be donated include: Blankets (New and/or gently used), towels (New and/or gently used), beds (New and/or gently used), paper towel rolls, dog food (of all sizes), canned dog and/or cat food, treats, toys (preferably large and/or durable), Kong toys (preferably L or XL), NylaBone (preferably L or XL), leashes (preferably L or XL), collars (preferably L or XL) and food and water bowls. (Large) (New and/or gently used)
Throughout the event there will also be spirit days. These spirit days will help spread the word of the Presents for Paws donation event. Those days include:
Dec 1: Candy Cane Day (Red and White)
Dec 2: Long Winter’s Nap (PJ Day)
Dec 5: Family Photo (Flannel Shirts)
Dec 6: Reindeer Day (Brown and dress as favorite reindeer)
Dec 7: Sandals and Holiday Socks
Dec 8: Holiday Hat Day
Dec 9: Frosty (Wear white and dress like a snowman)
Dec 12: Gift Yourself (Wear a holiday bow)
Dec 13: Random Act of Kindness (Wear your halo and wings!- do something nice and add it to the post it board in the commons!)
Dec 14: Grinch Green (Wear green)
Dec 15: Holiday Light Show (Wear a strand of lights)
Dec 16: Ugly Holiday Sweaters
Good luck to FCCLA and GSA trying to make animals have a good holiday experience as well as humans.
Presents for Paws was a major success. There were many more items bought than expected. All the items that were collected were packed into an SUV and taken to the shelters. Presents for Paws received so many donations that it took three car loads to deliver all the items.
“It was mind blowing to see how many donations we received!” Presents for Paws Leader Lexie Huether (10) said.
Each ANP was asked to bring in items for local animal shelters, those items that were turned in were counted as points. Many ANP brought in items for the animal shelters. Ms. Kirchhofer’s ANP brought in the most objects totaling 443 points.
Since Presents for Paws was such a great success, FCCLA and GSA plan to come back next year and try to get even more donations.

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