Student Council plans busy year
Laughing side by side, Cat Elking (11) and Ashley Jakubeck (12) enjoy their time at the Dance for Charity Neon Night.
Student Council’s year has been chaotic, especially because homecoming was earlier than usual.
With homecoming behind them, members of STUCO are now scrambling to prepare for the next few months.
STUCO has already planned for the first semester. They have a Leadership camp for members from 4:30-7pm. on Sept. 21. They will also be hosting a food drive for three weeks in November, a Rake’n Run on Saturday, Nov. 11, and a winter dance coming up on Jan. 27.
“These upcoming months for STUCO will be busy, but a lot of fun,” Student body president Taylor Zapf (12) said.
STUCO has struggled with ideas for a winter dance for a few years. The previous year’s rock ‘n roll dance was planned, but was cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. Last year was more successful; they came up with a Dance for Charity Neon Night to support Breakdown STL, which brought in more students.
STUCO is currently planning a Sadie Hawkins winter dance. The Sadie Hawkins Dance originated from a comic strip in the late 1930’s, which became an American Folk event that people began to celebrate. This event is when a girl asks a guy to the dance. Zapf said that she is really excited for this dance.
STUCO is hoping that the school will allow outside guests to come to the dance as well, which would help bring in more people. STUCO plans to work really hard within the next few months, with hopes of the dance being successful.
“I’m really hoping it’ll turn out well and people will show more interest since it will be more of a winter formal rather than a casual dance,” Zapf said.

Hello, my name is Maddy McClure! I am a senior at Oakville High School and this is my first year doing journalism and being a part of the newspaper staff....