Art students become art historians
The outside of the St. Louis Art Muesem, where the art students visited.
AP Studio Art and Applied Design, taught by Mr. Brian Crawford and Ms. Alexandra Heyl respectively, took a trip, both for fun and to learn something new.
On Wednesday, May 2, art students took a trip to the St. Louis Art Museum’s “Sunken Cities: Egypt’s Lost Worlds” exhibit. Students met in the commons at 9:30 a.m. to board buses and head to the museum. The primary goal of the trip? To learn about art.
“The purpose of the trip was to teach students about one of the most innovative and artistic cultures in history,” said Heyl.
After the trip, students returned to OHS with plenty of new knowledge and a lot to share. Primarily learning about the Egyptian era, students were given the chance to explore what the art styles and techniques of the Egyptians were.
“I really enjoyed the trip,” said Connor Inman (9). “I learned a lot about the Egyptians and about how advanced they were compared to the Greeks and Romans.”
One student even told Heyl the trip had made them more curious about becoming an archaeologist. Students got a lot out of the trip, whether it was a career idea or just new information they could utilize later in life.
“It’s important for students to learn about different art careers,” said Heyl. “This trip did just that.”
After the success of this year’s trip, Heyl said she hopes to do another next school year with her art classes, though she isn’t sure where they’ll go next year.

My name is Kyle Genthon and this is my first year doing journalism. When writing about anything for an assignment, I’m extremely wordy and love to draw...