The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Building his future

Geisler joins exciting new
Photo Submitted by Drew Geisler
Drew Geisler (11) working on an electric work switch earlier this year at South Tech. “If it were scaled up it could turn on an AC unit,” said Geisler. This was Geisler’s first year at South Tech and he hopes to learn more in future to help him find his future career.

One day in class Drew Geisler (11) watched a presentation that would lead to his most enjoyable learning experience. The presentation was about South Tech, a school that provides students with real-world experiences, real-world skills, and engaging, hands-on learning to prepare them for college and careers.

“I forgot what class it was,- it was a business class,- and they were like we got a bunch of cool programs,” said Geisler, “and you can come down in the first half of your school day and learn almost like a trade. And so I looked at the little pamphlet and one of the trades was construction innovations, which I am interested in, so I signed up.”

From there, Geisler got to experience a brand new type of learning environment, quite different from the one he’s used to.

“Every morning I wake up at the same time, but instead of going down to Oakville, I go to the South Tech High School,” said Geisler, “and during the first half of day I learn, well depending on which program you take you learn different stuff. I take construction, so I have, in the mornings, HVAC, so I learn how to braze, electricity, stuff like that.”

It’s not just the classes that are different for Geisler. His daily commute has also changed quite a bit.

 “It’s not that much longer,” said Geisler. “I go on the highway, which sometimes can be packed with traffic, but it’s not that bad. I actually leave later in the day cause South Tech doesn’t start till 7:30.”

With all these changes Geisler can’t help but compare it to OHS.

“It’s more like it’s a lot of hands-on work,” said Geisler. “It’s less like notes, study tests, it’s like you learn how to do something and you go do it. Everything you do is material, you make something in all the classes.”

While Geisler enjoys South Tech, he also has a broad plan for the future.

“My goals for my future are to get into a job with my experience from South Tech,” said Geisler.

While he may not have narrowed down exactly what job he wishes to have in the future, South Tech helps him reach his goals regardless.

“South Tech is teaching me many things I will use on the job sites and it puts me leagues ahead of people who haven’t,” said Geisler. “In some cases the free program could make it so you don’t even have to go to college.”

Thanks to South Tech, Geisler has his whole future ahead of him.

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