The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


The school newspaper of Oakville High School


Nitz’s Next Chapter

Spanish teacher Brianna Nitz leaves Oakville to be stay-at-home mom
Photo submitted by Travis Norris
Brianna Nitz and Isaac Freitag pose with the Student Council executives during a ceremony held at the last meeting. “I became a teacher not just to teach Spanish, but to create a space where students feel welcome, supported, creative, and ultimately to have fun while learning,” she said. Nitz was a Student Council advisor, but she also spearheaded the creation of Games Club.

Walking through the foreign language hallways of Oakville, students are greeted with earnest enthusiasm from every doorway. A vital member of this community is nine-year Spanish I and II teacher Brianna Nitz, who will cease to teach at Oakville in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. 

“I started considering it in the fall. I was putting so much energy into my job teaching, that I’d come home and not have any left for my kids,” Nitz said. “I also realized that I wanted to be the one raising my kids — not a nanny. So in January I officially decided to take a break after this year.”

Being a mother of 2-year old twins as well as a high school teacher can be exhausting. Under this immense pressure, Nitz chose to prioritize her family and not take advantage of her time with her young children. 

“Every mom that I talked to when I was making the decision told me that they never regretted spending more time with their kids or taking time off work to be with them,” Nitz said. “And everyone always says “It goes so fast,” and it’s true. My twins are two and a half and starting to remember more things and are so much more interactive, so I really want to take this time to be the one that’s making memories with them and teaching them.”

Due to increasing childcare expenses, many families, including Nitz’s, are not profiting enough off of their jobs. Therefore, lots of parents are staying at home since the price of childcare is so similar to their income. 

“…Childcare is so expensive, and paying for two kids right off the bat was not something we were planning on. Having most of my paycheck each month go to childcare was definitely a contributing factor to my decision,” Nitz said. “We’re really fortunate that I’m able to stay home.”

Ultimately, financial situations have to be taken into serious consideration in order to do something like this. After being a teacher at Oakville for nine years, Nitz may find it hard to let go. 

 “I love teaching so much — this was a really hard decision for me and lots of tears have been shed,” Nitz said. “I’m going to miss building relationships with my students more than anything…I’m also really going to miss my colleagues — Oakville really does have the best teachers.”

One student in particular that Nitz maintained a strong relationship with was her Spanish II cadet and former student, Miranda McRae (12). 

“Mrs. Nitz has made a big impact on me by just being there always with a smile and kindness. She is very thoughtful and she makes the class feel like a safe and welcoming space,” McRae said. “I will most miss her upbeat energy and her amazing classroom environment.” 

Not only has Nitz spread her positive influence to her students and helpers, but also to the students who aren’t in her classes. This is possible because of her infectious joy catching on to passersby, as well as her involvement in clubs around Oakville. 

 “I’ve been a part of a lot of clubs during my time here. My first year, I helped a student start the Games Club, which is still going strong. I also sponsored FCA for a few years. I’ve also led two student trips to Latin America — one to Costa Rica and one to Peru in 2019. And for the past two years I’ve sponsored StuCo, which I love,” Nitz said. 

Without being bound to her club commitments and various lesson plans, Nitz will have a lot of time on her hands to be one with her family. Plus, she will not be entirely abandoning her career of teaching.

“I’m excited to teach my kids as much as I can about the world. I’m planning on teaching them Spanish, how to garden, and also many trips to the zoo, Magic House and local parks,” Nitz said. “I’m also so excited to have more time with my husband, too. He is the best husband, dad and partner, so I can’t wait to have more time and energy for him, too.”

Nitz has not decided where her career path will take her in the future, but for now, she will enjoy being a mother and a wife. In the future, she may try teaching again, coaching a dance team, volunteering or even working for a non-profit organization. One thing is sure, she will not forget what she learned from teaching at Oakville. 

“Our future is in good hands. This generation of students is empathetic and willing to stand up for what they believe is just. They’re also willing to question things, which I think is so important,” Nitz said. 

Despite leaving behind her students and teaching career, Nitz feels she will be embarking on an exciting new chapter of motherhood. 

“I can’t thank the Oakville community enough for the best nine years of teaching,” Nitz, “I love this place so much. See you at next year’s Homecoming and go tigers.”

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Lucy Caira
Lucy Caira, Reporter
Hey! My name is Lucy Caira, and I am a senior at Oakville. Besides newspaper, I am involved in cross country, FBLA, STUCO, Spanish Club and more at school. I enjoy watching movies, reading books, sewing and listening to music. This is my first year on newspaper staff at OHS, and I am beyond excited to contribute to this school publication! :)

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