OHS althetes leave their paw prints behind

This year at OHS the varsity cheerleaders are selling Paw Prints to all athletes, band and choir members to benefit the varsity cheerleading fund.

The idea for Paw Prints sprouted one day when cheer coach Christy Mathews found paw print stencils in a old closet. After talking to Becky Czuppon (Athletics Director of OHS) she found that in previous years varsity cheerleaders had sold Paw Prints to raise money for their cheer fund.

Athletes of any sport and any grade level are eligible to purchase Paw Prints. This includes athletes from the winter sports of 2012 and the spring sports of 2013.

The Paw Prints will be displayed on the blacktop behind OHS near the admission gates for everyone to view. Varsity cheerleaders along with their parents will be painting the Paw Prints themselves during the weekends or weekdays after school. They will be painted yellow with the athlete’s name on top and their sport or team number below the name of the athlete.

Forms to buy Paw Prints are available in the athletic office and can be turned into Mrs. Bovaconti in the athletic office. Also, the last available sign-ups for Paw Prints will be at the OHS vs. Lafayette soccer game on Monday, (Sept. 16)