Writing Center sponsors contests
The new OHS Writing Center, introduced this year by Mrs. DyAnn Menzel and Mr. Mathew Thomas, is not just about getting help with academic papers. Starting this year, the Writing Center will be sponsoring monthly writing and art contests.
Each entry for the contest must reflect or relate to the character word of the month at OHS. The entry can be a direct representation or depiction of the word and contestants can enter everything, from writings to sculptures.
“It can be short stories, poetry, photography, drawings…take a picture of a sculpture. Everything’s digital.” Mrs. DyAnn Menzel explained.
The only requirement is that every entry must be entered in a digital format to Mrs. Menzel’s school email. The entries will be judged by at least two English teachers and two art teachers.
There will be two winners for each contest, who will not only get recognition for their work, but they will also get an award.
“We can give out gift cards for awards and their work will be featured in the school foyer.” Mrs. Menzel said.
The gift cards will be sponsored by the the school’s literary magazine, Writings on the Wall, and they will be worth $5 to various places. Winners will also have a chance to have their work published in the school’s literary magazine, Writings on the Wall.
For more information and rules, visit the Writing Center’s website “Writer’s Block”.

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