Oakville’s Got Talent!
The OHS Choirs and the Choir Parent Association are holding a talent show with a prize of $100. The show is open to all OHS students and Bernard and Oakville Middle School students.
In order to be in the show students must audition on Tuesday Jan. 28. Auditions begin at 2:30 p.m. in the OHS Choir Room (room 124.) Students who audition will be charged a $5 fee. The top acts will move on to the talent show, which is scheduled for Feb. 15 at 7 p.m. in the new William B. Nottelmann Auditorium.
If you are interested in signing up call Andrea Keller at (314) 346-0632. Who knows, you may be the first ever “Oakville’s Got Talent” Winner!

Class of 2014
Bio: Hi I’m Maddie Foster! I love fashion, shopping, music, my dog Summer and hanging out with my friends, especially eating ice cream...