Rake ‘n Run
Getting ready for the annual Rake ‘n Run, Hiba Al-Ramahi (12) runs across the street with Simone Hanna (12). Al-Ramahi was raking with National Honor Society (NHS) and Student Council. “My favorite part was giving back to the community while also having fun with all my friends,” Al-Ramahi said.
OHS Stuco, boys basketball, NHS, and key club held their annual “Rake ‘n Run” on Saturday Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The Rake n Run has been going on for five years. The Rake ‘n Run is an event where OHS clubs get involved and help the community. Around 75 students who participated met at OHS at 9 a.m. and walked to the neighborhood across the street, Mellowlight Dr. Around 15 yards were raked.
“It makes me feel good to know I helped out the community and represented my school in a positive way,” Kaitlin Curtis (12) said.
After the students raked the yards they walked back to OHS to socialize and eat pizza. Ms. Kelli Roberts said, “We do this every year to help out the Oakville Community.” The Rake n Run is a good way to give OHS a good name.”

My name is Samantha Phillips. I am a senior this year at OHS. I plan on being a part of Student Council, HOSA, and the track team this spring. I am currently...