Spanish IV captures culture in wax museum
5th block Spanish students goof around after performing their characters to Spanish I students on Nov. 30.
Dressed as Frida Kahlo, Lexi Twillmann (11) wears a long skirt and a flower headband, copying Kahlo’s iconic look.
This was part of the Spanish IV’s Wax Museum activity where the students picked a well known icon with a Hispanic heritage to learn about and imitate. From Jennifer Lopez to Albert Pujols, the students performed their character to other Spanish classes on Nov. 29 and 30 in the library. The students were assigned to prepare a script to speak in front of others and learn about the character they chose.
“My favorite part was either dressing up as our person or making our props. I learned a lot of Spanish and about my character but specifically from being Frida Kahlo I learned to be proud of who you are and where you come from,” Twillmann said.
Not only did the assignment strengthen the students’ Spanish capability, but it gave them a new admiration for the culture.
“Our paragraphs had to incorporate how our celebrity had an positive impact on the Hispanic culture. It made me appreciate Hispanic culture and all it contributes to our world,” Jeanna Picha (12) said.

Hi, I’m Mckenzie Knapp and at senior at OHS and I’m this year's newspaper editor in chief, journalism social media director, assistant yearbook editor,...