OHS welcomes Saudi Arabian teachers
Mr. Jason Buatte poses with Saudi Arabian vistors. Buatte has become very close friends with them during their visit.
Since early October, students and faculty may have noticed some unique guests wandering around the halls and observing classrooms every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
OHS has welcomed four Saudi Arabian teachers to come to OHS and observe the American Educational System through a program the teachers are completing at St. Louis University.
“This program was something that was presented to me from our former assistant superintendent (Dr. Brian Lane),” assistant principal Mr. Jason Buatte said. “He had a connection at SLU and somehow got our district to be one of the partners with SLU.”
For these eager teachers, visits to OHS usually include classroom presentations, meetings with district personnel, walk throughs in classrooms, etc. OHS teachers have been more than willing to invite these teachers into their classrooms and discuss topics with them.
“I was shocked at how things really were. I think that the media portrays things and we really buy into that. Once, I had conversations with them it really dispelled a lot of myths that I had about how things are in Saudi Arabia especially for women there,” OHS spanish teacher Mrs. Jennifer Lieberoff said.
For this group of teachers, they may have come to OHS to learn from students,staff,etc. But OHS and its student and faculty have said they have also learned from them. Since the group started visiting, they have made many presentations to students and faculty about Saudi Arabian culture and have put some false pretenses about their culture to rest.
“They have also inspired many people, as they are half way around the world, away from their families for six months because they feel strongly enough about their cause and the future of their society to learn and try to implement real change in their way of life,” Buatte said.

Hi there! My name is Rachel Delgado, my friends like to call me Ray, and I am a first year newspaper staffer! You can find me on the courts playing tennis...