FCCLA students qualify for state
Chloe Willmering (12) and Jacob Kujath (12) pose for a picture with their FCCLA STAR competition pieces they created.
Seven OHS members of FCCLA competed in Regional Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR ) Events for the first time ever on Jan. 24. Four OHS students did so well they qualified for state.
“I was elated. I worked really hard to accomplish this. Sewing has become my passion, and using that skill in a competitive format has allowed me to improve both upon my sewing, as well as my speaking and time management skills.” Chloe Willmering (12) said,” to prepare for state I am actually constructing even more garments. My favorite part of the experience was being able to do something I love, and being recognized for my success.”
Out of 28 categories, students choose their own individual events to compete in. In addition to four students placing gold and qualifying for state, three students placed silver. The students are as follows.
Placing gold and qualifying for state were:
Chloe Wilmering for fashion construction
Jacob Kujath for fashion construction
Justin McCrady for Entrepreneurship
Sam Gandhi for job interview
Placing Silver were:
Kayla Jackson for Chapter service project
Megan Miller for Life event planning
Megan Blanchard for recycle and redesign
Although this is a new event for OHS FCCLA members, Mrs. Daughaday went as a volunteer to the event a few years back with her previous school. This year as an adviser, they wanted her to bring OHS to compete.
“These seven did amazing!” FCCLA adviser Mrs. Jamie Daughaday said. “Be sure to congratulate them if you see them and support their upcoming fundraising to pay their way to state!”
State Leadership Conference qualifiers will be going to Lake of the Ozarks on March 11-13.

Hello, my name is Maddy McClure! I am a senior at Oakville High School and this is my first year doing journalism and being a part of the newspaper staff....