Leadership plans spring spirit week
Time to whip out your jerseys and USA wear for Spring Spirit Week!
On April 9, spirit week will begin with Jersey Day. Wear your favorite sports team merchandise to show your support!
Tuesday (April 10) will be Tacky Tourist Day, get ready to find your fanny packs and visors! Show off your hip outfit at the pep assembly during Academic Networking Period (ANP).
The following day will be Decade Day, each grade will be assigned to a certain decade. Freshmen are ‘60s, sophomores are ‘70s, juniors are ‘80s, and seniors are ‘90s. Who will show the most spirit?
The following day is Throwback Thursday! Get ready to dig through your closet and dress as you did in middle school!
Prepare for Mr. OHS by dressing in red, white and blue on Friday (April 12). Mr. OHS will be held in Gym A on Friday, April 13. Admission is $3 in advance and $5 at the door.

Hi, I’m Mckenzie Knapp and at senior at OHS and I’m this year's newspaper editor in chief, journalism social media director, assistant yearbook editor,...